Abigail contacted me to request permission to use a photo I shot of a female human cannonball.

The Aggression Upon Bosnia and the Judicial Protection of Human Rights
by Omer Ibrahimagic
Connecticut Journal of International Law
English Translation
Volume 12, number 2
WebCT Comes to Eastern
ECSU Returns
Volume 12
WebCT Premiers at Eastern
Eastern: The Magazine of Eastern Conn. State University
Volume 1, Issue 1
Various Editorial Copy
Circuit Cellar, Ink.
Issues from 1997–1999
Various Stories and Articles
The View From Valehaven
Issues from 1992—2006
Article: Is it live or is it Memorex
The Larper
Autumn 2002
Featured Article
The RPG Times
Volume 7, Issue 6
Regular Columnist
Article: Lights Camera Action- Keeping it real
The Larper
Autumn 2002
Featured Article
The RPG Times
Volume 7, Issue 1
Regular Columnist
Article: Do you have Death Insurance?
The RPG Times
Volume 7, Issue 2
Regular Columnist
Article: Contractual Obligation
The RPG Times
Volume 7, Issue 9
Regular Columnist
Article: Death of a LARP
The RPG Times
Volume 8, Issue 10
Regular Columnist
Article: Even Heroes Gotta Eat
The RPG Times
Volume 9, Issue 6
Regular Columnist
Story: Condemned Part 1
The RPG Times
Volume 7, Issue 12
Regular Columnist
Story: Condemned Part 2
The RPG Times
Volume 8, Issue 3
Regular Columnist
Story: Isle of Prey Part 1
The RPG Times
Volume 9, Issue 11
Regular Columnist
Story: Isle of Prey Part 2
The RPG Times
Volume 9, Issue 12
Regular Columnist
Story: Isle of Prey Part 3
The RPG Times
Volume 10, Issue 3
Regular Columnist
Story: Stop Thief!
The RPG Times
Volume 9, Issue 10
Regular Columnist